Moving to the cloud improves employee productivity and enhances customer experience. 77% of firms have accelerated their move to cloud since the pandemic started. Even after the pandemic, firms will continue this migration.
A key pattern in cloud adoption is that firms are strengthening their position with SaaS and SaaS platforms. Let’s examine what this means for net work infrastructure. Organizations see the network as critical to their business. But more than half of them see increasing complexity due to distributed locations and a rising risk of significant downtime. Their top challenges are visibility into users and devices at a global level and establishing consistency across distributed locations.
Managing all locations in a distributed enterprise from the cloud creates efficiency and reduces risk. This survey reveals that the top reason of moving to cloud as quickly as possible is to centrally administer remote locations. A cloud version of infrastructure management tools solves for key challenges around centralizing control for global visibility, administrative consistency, as well as cost savings. Consistency and single source of truth are the top two benefits experienced by adopting cloud version of infrastructure monitoring and management.
Leveraging more cloud platforms for workplace transformation and using SaaS as much as possible fosters faster development and quicker time-to-market for new products and services. It can be your competitive advantage.
Link to Survey: