We’re hitting a “fan favorite” this week by highlighting Solutions, Kudos and Sharing!
The last few weeks have focused on “how” do I utilize the search functionality, in addition to subscribing to blogs, forum topics, and following users (see links to those posts near the bottom). We’re changing it up a bit this week and focusing on you! We realize your time is valuable, and we want to make sure you’re recognized for your contributions on the site……
Did you know you can mark your forum threads “Solved” when an acceptable comment is posted by another user? It’s a good bet other users have the same question; so marking your post “solved” helps the next person with the same question. “Acceptable Solutions” are identified with the green checkmark shown above.
Only the author of the forum thread can mark a comment as a solution. If you’ve taken the time to craft that perfect solution, but haven’t received the “checkmark” next to your post, send me a PM. The author of the thread is also notified of comments with a reminder to “consider accepting a solution” if one is posted.
Forums page indicating “solved” threads:
Comment Marked as the solution displays with a green hue:
We notice many users giving a thumbs up or “Kudos” to many of the blog posts on the site, but did you know you can also give kudos to forum threads & comments as well? It’s a great way to show appreciation to your peers and others who’ve written quality content on the site!
Note the thumbs up or kudos button highlighted below.
Once you’re logged in, just click the button. (You can only give 1 kudo per post)
As more people continue to subscribe and read the blogs, we’re finding people are interested in sharing it on social networks. You’ll notice every post on the community, whether a blog, forum thread, comment, etc., may be shared on a variety of social networks.
Note the Share icon available on every post. Hover over the share icon, and you’ll see the below options. Click the share icon, and a larger selection will appear.
Next week, we’ll provide a few tips & tricks for the mobile version of the community, and how it could save you valuable time!
Until then, check out our previous Tips & Tricks posts!
Part 1: Search Overview
Part 2: Subscribing to Blogs, Content, and Users