{ "name": "Fortinet Security", "comment": "Fortinet DNS Security Events", "version": "4.0", "type": "REST_EVENT", "event_type": [ "RPZ", "TUNNEL", "ADP" ], "action_type": "Fortinet RPZ action to add address to deny_group", "content_type": "application/json", "vendor_identifier": "Fortinet", "instance_variables": [ { "name": "Fortinet_Security_Group", "type": "STRING", "value": "deny_group" } ], "steps": [ { "name": "Debug Beginning", "operation": "NOP", "body": "${XC:DEBUG:{H:}}${XC:DEBUG:{E:}}${XC:DEBUG:{I:}}${XC:DEBUG:{L:}}${XC:DEBUG:{S:}}${XC:DEBUG:{P:}}${XC:DEBUG:{R:}}${XC:DEBUG:{RH:}}${XC:DEBUG:{UT:}}" }, { "name":"Check if Sync EA is set on the IP", "operation": "CONDITION", "condition": { "statements": [ { "left": "${E:A:ip.extattrs{Fortinet_Security_Sync}}", "op": "!=", "right": "true" } ], "condition_type": "AND", "next": "Check if Sync EA is set on the network" } }, { "name":"Check if Security Group EA is set on the IP", "operation": "CONDITION", "condition": { "statements": [ { "left": "${E:A:ip.extattrs{Fortinet_Security_Group}}", "op": "==", "right": "" } ], "condition_type": "AND", "eval": "${XC:COPY:{L:HostGroup}:{I:Fortinet_Security_Group}}", "else_eval": "${XC:COPY:{L:HostGroup}:{E:ip.extattrs{Fortinet_Security_Group}}", "next":"Check if IPv4 or IPv6 for assigning variables for insert" } }, { "name":"Check if Sync EA is set on the network", "operation": "CONDITION", "condition": { "statements": [ { "left": "${E:A:network.extattrs{Fortinet_Security_Sync}}", "op": "!=", "right": "true" } ], "condition_type": "AND", "stop":true } }, { "name":"Check if Security Group EA is set on the network", "operation": "CONDITION", "condition": { "statements": [ { "left": "${E:A:network.extattrs{Fortinet_Security_Group}}", "op": "==", "right": "" } ], "condition_type": "AND", "eval": "${XC:COPY:{L:HostGroup}:{I:Fortinet_Security_Group}}", "else_eval": "${XC:COPY:{L:HostGroup}:{E:network.extattrs{Fortinet_Security_Group}}" } }, { "name": "Assign L variables from E namespace", "operation": "NOP", "body_list": [ "${XC:COPY:{L:HostIP}:{E:source_ip}}", "${XC:COPY:{L:timestamp}:{E:timestamp}}", "${XC:COPY:{L:network_view}:{E:network.network_view}}" ] }, { "name": "Check if IPv4 or IPv6 for assigning variables for insert", "operation": "CONDITION", "condition": { "statements": [ { "left": "${L:A:HostIP}", "op": "=~", "right": ":" } ], "condition_type": "AND", "eval": "${XC:ASSIGN:{L:AddressType}:{S:address6}}${XC:ASSIGN:{L:AddressGroup}:{S:addrgrp6}}${XC:ASSIGN:{L:AddressField}:{S:ip6}}${XC:ASSIGN:{L:Mask}:{S:128}}", "else_eval": "${XC:ASSIGN:{L:AddressType}:{S:address}}${XC:ASSIGN:{L:AddressGroup}:{S:addrgrp}}${XC:ASSIGN:{L:AddressField}:{S:subnet}}${XC:ASSIGN:{L:Mask}:{S:32}}" } }, { "name": "Check if RPZ", "operation": "CONDITION", "condition": { "condition_type": "AND", "statements": [ { "left": "${E:A:event_type}", "op": "==", "right": "RPZ" } ], "eval": "${XC:COPY:{L:BlockedDomain}:{E:query_name}}", "next": "Debug before Add" } }, { "name": "Check if Tunnel or ADP", "operation": "CONDITION", "condition": { "condition_type": "AND", "statements": [ { "left": "${E:A:event_type}", "op": "==", "right": "ADP" } ], "eval": "${XC:COPY:{L:BlockedDomain}:{E:rule_name}}", "else_eval": "${XC:COPY:{L:BlockedDomain}:{E:domain_name}}" } }, { "name": "Debug before Add", "operation": "NOP", "body": "${XC:DEBUG:{H:}}${XC:DEBUG:{E:}}${XC:DEBUG:{I:}}${XC:DEBUG:{L:}}${XC:DEBUG:{S:}}${XC:DEBUG:{P:}}${XC:DEBUG:{R:}}${XC:DEBUG:{RH:}}${XC:DEBUG:{UT:}}" }, { "name": "Host add address", "comment": "Add address to the list of address on the firewall", "parse": "JSON", "operation": "POST", "no_connection_debug": false, "transport": {"path": "api/v2/cmdb/firewall/${L:A:AddressType}?vdom=root"}, "headers":{ "Content-Type":"application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer ${S:A:Token}" }, "body_list": [ "{", "\"name\":\"Infoblox_${E:A:event_type}_${L:A:HostIP}\",", "\"${L:A:AddressField}\":\"${L:A:HostIP}/${L:A:Mask}\",", "\"comment\":\"Added from Infoblox at ${L:A:timestamp} for querying ${L:A:BlockedDomain}\",", "}" ] }, { "name": "Host add address to group", "comment": "Add IP address to deny_group", "parse": "JSON", "operation": "POST", "no_connection_debug": false, "transport": {"path": "api/v2/cmdb/firewall/${L:A:AddressGroup}/${L:A:HostGroup}/member?vdom=root"}, "headers":{ "Content-Type":"application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer ${S:A:Token}" }, "body_list": [ "{", "\"name\":\"Infoblox_${E:A:event_type}_${L:A:HostIP}\",", "}" ] }, { "name": "Host add check", "comment": "Check insertion", "operation": "CONDITION", "condition": { "statements": [ {"left": "success", "op": "==", "right": "${P:A:status}"} ], "condition_type": "AND", "else_next": "FinExit", "next":"check for IPv6" } }, { "name": "check for IPv6", "operation": "CONDITION", "condition": { "statements": [ { "left": "${L:A:HostIP}", "op": "=~", "right": ":" } ], "condition_type": "AND", "next": "wapi_response_checkIPv6Fix_ref" } }, { "operation": "CONDITION", "name": "wapi_response_checkIPv4Fix_ref", "condition": { "condition_type": "AND", "statements": [ { "left": "${L:A:Obj_ref}", "op": "!=", "right": "" } ], "next": "Debug before EA update" } }, { "name": "Get HostIPv4 _ref", "operation": "GET", "transport": { "path": "record:host?ipv4addr=${L:A:HostIP}&network_view=${L:U:network_view}&_return_fields=extattrs" }, "wapi": "v2.7" }, { "operation": "CONDITION", "name": "wapi_response_getIPv4Host_ref", "condition": { "condition_type": "AND", "statements": [ { "left": "${P:A:PARSE[0]{_ref}}", "op": "!=", "right": "" } ], "next": "Get_Objref", "else_stop": true } }, { "operation": "CONDITION", "name": "wapi_response_checkIPv6Fix_ref", "condition": { "condition_type": "AND", "statements": [ { "left": "${L:A:Obj_ref}", "op": "!=", "right": "" } ], "next": "Debug before EA update" } }, { "name": "Get HostIPv6 _ref", "operation": "GET", "transport": { "path": "record:host?ipv6addr=${L:A:HostIP}&network_view=${L:U:network_view}&_return_fields=extattrs" }, "wapi": "v2.7" }, { "operation": "CONDITION", "name": "wapi_response_getIPv6Host_ref", "condition": { "condition_type": "AND", "statements": [ { "left": "${P:A:PARSE[0]{_ref}}", "op": "!=", "right": "" } ], "next": "Get_Objref" } }, { "name": "Get_Objref", "operation": "CONDITION", "condition": { "condition_type": "AND", "statements": [ { "left": "${P:A:PARSE[0]{_ref}}", "op": "!=", "right": "" } ], "eval": "${XC:COPY:{L:Obj_ref}:{P:PARSE[0]{_ref}}}" } }, { "name": "Debug before EA update", "operation": "NOP", "body": "${XC:DEBUG:{H:}}${XC:DEBUG:{E:}}${XC:DEBUG:{I:}}${XC:DEBUG:{L:}}${XC:DEBUG:{S:}}${XC:DEBUG:{P:}}${XC:DEBUG:{R:}}${XC:DEBUG:{RH:}}${XC:DEBUG:{UT:}}" }, { "name": "Update extattrs timestamp", "operation": "PUT", "transport": { "path": "${L:A:Obj_ref}" }, "wapi": "v2.7", "wapi_quoting": "JSON", "body_list": [ "{\"extattrs+\":{\"Fortinet_Security_SyncedAt\": { \"value\": \"${L:A:timestamp}\"}}}" ] }, { "name": "FinExit", "comment": "Stop execution of the template.", "operation": "CONDITION", "condition": { "condition_type": "AND", "statements": [ {"left": "1", "op": "==", "right": "1"} ], "stop": true } } ] }