Muddling Malspam: The Use of Spoofed Domains in Malicious Spam
Discover how Infoblox Threat Intel uncovered widespread usage of malicious spam and domain spoofing from Chinese actors.
The White House Executive Order: Requiring DNS as a Frontline Security Control
Today, the White House issued a comprehensive Executive Order aimed at strengthening and promoting the Nation’s cybersecurity. Among the key measures is the requirement of encrypted DNS protocols for federal agencies.
Ransomware Spotlight – How Threat Actors use C2 and Data Exfiltration as Part of Double Extortion
Explore how C2 and data exfiltration are a critical part of ransomware attacks, and how to stay protected.
Pushed Down the Rabbit Hole
The adverse impact of visiting compromised domains that integrate malicious adtech.
It’s just not Infrastructure 2.0 without DNSSEC
By Cricket Liu