Welcome to the Infoblox IPv6 CoE blog! Nice to have you here! Paul, Tom and I share this blog, though we each publish under our own bylines. The hope is that with three of us writing, we’ll be able to keep fresh content coming – even with fairly demanding schedules.Each of us comes from a somewhat different background: Tom from a carrier (Limelight), Paul from a Internet nonprofit (ISC), and me from an enterprise (HP – though ages ago). And each of us had a different focus. Hopefully that’ll help us provide a variety of viewpoints on issues related to IPv6.While we’ve usually got IPv6 topics on our minds, we’re also interested in hearing what’s on yours. If you have questions or suggestions, please feel free to get in touch with us at ipv6coe@infoblox.com.

Cricket Liu
Chief DNS Architect at Infoblox
Cricket is one of the world’s leading experts on the Domain Name System (DNS), and serves as the liaison between Infoblox and the DNS community. Before joining Infoblox, he founded an Internet consulting and training company, Acme Byte & Wire, after running the hp.com domain at Hewlett-Packard. Cricket is a prolific speaker and author, having written a number of books including “DNS and BIND,” one of the most widely used references in the field, now in its fifth edition.
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