The power and flexibility of AWS can be a double-edged sword for enterprises. Business and cloud and application teams love the ease and speed of deploying new instances, often without the assistance of the network team. Therein lies the issue. Networking aspects such as DNS provisioning and IP address allocation are important, but if the networking team is skipped, it greatly increases risk of mistakes and dreaded downtime.
While it’s very easy to spin up new instances in AWS – all you need is a little time and a credit card – you still need to not overlook network services. Sure, AWS can set up an IP address and DNS record, but does it follow your corporate policy? Is there a risk of overlapping IPs? How do you track virtual instances that come and go? These issues are the types of problems than can pop up unexpectedly when you bypass the traditional networking team.
Following on our previous webinars on AWS, we’ve put together two more sessions to help make this collaboration happen. The first one, in conjunction with InformationWeek, is scheduled for Sept. 24 at 10 a.m. PDT, with my colleague Matt Gowarty. This hour-long webinar is entitled “Enterprise-grade AWS Deployments – Is Your Organization Ready?” and will cover these topics:
- Understanding the needs of different groups across IT
- Ensuring network visibility for spin-up and spin-down of AWS resources
- Eliminating handoffs between the server and network teams
- Reducing risk for IP address and DNS record provisioning errors across AWS
Register now by clicking here.
Then, on Oct. 6 at 10 a.m. PDT, we’ll follow up with a thirty-minute webinar looking at Infoblox DDI in action for Amazon Web Services EC2. This second session, which I’ll be presenting, is designed to explain how Infoblox can help with AWS EC2 deployments, especially by automating common tasks as well as providing detailed visibility into cloud-based resources including virtual private clouds, instances and networks. We’ll also have a live demo of these capabilities, including:
- Deployment options in AWS
- How to automate DNS and IP address provisioning in AWS
- Automated discovery and visibility of cloud-based resources
Register now for part 2 by clicking here.