Cloud computing is all the craze. Pick up any tech publication and you are sure to read about the latest Cloud services and solutions. Virtually every company we talk to has a Cloud and Automation initiative. Some companies prefer the multi-Cloud route, leveraging several vendors in a hybrid fashion, while others operate an internal or on-premise cloud, based on commercial and/or Open Source technologies like VMware and OpenStack. Additionally, a large number of the businesses we talk with are migrating their application infrastructure to Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure.
During a recent Silicon Valley CISO event, all the attendees were adopting or executing on a Cloud strategy to drive efficiency, automate processes, and operationalize their expense structure with a goal of lowering costs. Most CISOs who attended agreed that they have a “Cloud blind spot”. That “blind spot” is a foundational flaw.
Infoblox delivers core foundational services with the ability to provision and de-provision IP Addresses on-demand within Cloud environments, whether the Cloud is Private, Hybrid, or Public. If your organization can’t automate the provisioning of IP Addresses to the Cloud environment, then it will struggle to drive efficiencies and create an on-demand environment. Most importantly, you will incur the hidden costs of IP conflicts, outages and downtime. Let’s also not forget about the critical nature of having visibility into the core network and IP address space, and how the cloud interconnects with it.
At an even more basic level, any organization that is moving to the cloud needs to consider how the “plumbing” (core network infrastructure) is going to work. Infoblox is part of this core network infrastructure bringing reliable, high-performing core network services that are ready for the automation needs of the Cloud. Infoblox made a conscious decision early on to invest in Cloud Network Automation while working closely with leading vendors in this exciting and growing space. You can learn more about Infoblox’s industry leading cloud offerings by visiting our Next Generation Datacenter website or viewing our many on-demand Webinars.